Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Honest to blog..

hi there! my name is kerry and i have been struggling with food addiction my whole life. my earliest memories of compulsive overeating date back to middle school, when i was the first to get home in the early afternoon. In my infinite boredom, i would watch game shows and munch on melba toast, ice cream sandwiches, and those marshmellow icing entemann's cakes. i would pretty much consume anything in the house that wasn't nailed down or glued shut, alternating between the sweet, salty and chocolatey until i had to wear stove-piped jenko jeans all through junior high. at 5 ft, i have gone back and forth on the scale -- weighing as much as 160 lbs at my highest in my freshman year of college -- down to 99 lbs earlier this year during a post-breakup depression. I thought my post-breakup diet would be a cure-all - one for the books (i could see the book deal now!) - but alas and also fortunately, my depression did not last and my appetite returned...with avengence!

The only thing that has been a constant in my weight struggle has been that unrelenting compulsion to eat, binge, restrict. and obsess about food (eaten or uneaten) until I am so exhausted i inevitabley give in to the obsession and eat!

i am a food addict and this is my first journal entry. i hope other food-aholics out there like me find this blog and help me shed some light on this struggle to the food obsessed community at large. i have been on the road to awareness and recovery of this food addiction for the past couple months and in that time i have gone to OA meetings, read some really informative literature, and googled for hours. i will be sharing the information i've learned in this journal and if anyone out there has other resources, information or an inspiring story to share --please do, i look forward to hearing from you....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best in your journey. Having come through it myself, I know very well how dark and awful everything seems right now, how impossible - but they say it's always darkest before dawn. I'm here as a fellow survivor of this shipwreck of a failed relationship with food, and let me assure you, there is hope. There really is. All the best, Susanne